What Are My Options for the Chaggim (holidays)?

 In Tips and Advice

When the chagim roll around you might want to take advantage of the numerous opportunities all over Israel during these special times of year. If you’re able to get off base for chaggim, then here are some ideas that may be worth your time.

Ideally, visiting family is the way to go, but we do understand sometimes it might not be realistic, so let’s get something straight. Visiting your third cousin once removed, up North, isn’t great because you enjoy making conversation with a distant cousins, but rather you get to see all the different towns in Israel. So although that 2 hour, four transfer bus ride might not seem worth it for a cold polkey and some rice, there might just be an awesome view of the Golan. And even if there isn’t, a room to yourself and a bed is just as good.

Let’s talk about chagim on base. Yes, they do celebrate chaggim on your base, and it’s not that bad either. Even if you are going away, you can get involved in any preparations on base before the chagim. The food isn’t going to be great, and maybe you were looking for a better bed option, but spending chaggim on base can be just as fun. Spending time with your fellow soldiers might just be all the family you need for the chaggim.

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